
Do you like what you see? Part II

In the beginning of the month I did a post called Do you like what you see?, and it had some thing that my cousin and my aunt make, and sell, bracelets, rings, necklaces, bags, etc...
Below there are some picks that I didn' upload the 1st time.
So again, if you like anything you see, and wish to buy it, please let me know ^^
(I will get in contact with my aunt to know the prices of the rings and belts :D)

Rings made with Rags and Buttons (Anéis feitos com Trapos e Botões) - ?€

 Belts made of Rag (Cintos feitos de Trapos) - ?€

Bags made of Rags - 15€

 1- Multi-colour bag

2- Red and White bag

3- White and Black bag 

4- Brown bag 

5- Pink and Black 

Little Bags made of Felt (Bolsinhas de Feltro) - 3.00€
 1- Dark Blue; 2- Light Blue

 3- Beige; 4- Lila

5- Pink; 6- Grey

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